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What material are INEDIT products made of?

The most used materials in our products are satin, chiffon, velvet and natural fibers.

Material variations may exist depending on the collections.

Each article has a composition tag. You can also find the same information on the website, on each page of the article.

How are they made?

All products are handcrafted in a small workshop in Lisbon.

How to choose the right size?

You can consult the size guide here.


How do I place an order?

To make a purchase in our online store, just add the item to the cart, fill in the requested fields (shipping and billing address) and finally choose the payment method.

How do I confirm the order has been completed?

After finalizing your order, you will receive an email with your confirmation. Depending on the volume of orders, the preparation of the order can take place on the same day, or up to two days after the purchase. Once your order has been processed, you will receive a confirmation email with the delivery date.

How long does it take for the order to arrive?

For international or island orders, the waiting time is variable - between 3 to 7 days. For more information see our shipping policy.

Payment Methods

What payment methods are available?

We have the following payment methods:

Debit/Credit Card

This method requires the entry of a valid card, otherwise, the payment will not be processed. The order amount will be withdrawn automatically.


As with the previous method, this one requires data from a valid Paypal account and the amount will be withdrawn automatically.

(Manual payment) Bank Transfer


IBAN: PT50 0010 0000 5489 0170 0013 4

(Manual payment) MBWAY

Payments via MBWAY must be made to the following contact 912 467 908.

For manual payment options, you must send proof of purchase to and you have a period of 24 hours to do so. As long as the order has not been paid, the item remains available on the website, so we are not responsible in the event of a stockout.

Exchanges and Returns

How do I exchange or return an item?

To start the exchange or return process, please send an email to You can check our exchanges and returns policy here.

How can I submit suggestions or complaints?

To submit suggestions or complaints, please send an email to

We have an online complaints book which you can access here: Complaints Book

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